The life science industry in West Sweden is a mix of large international companies and over 400 SME and startups. The strong heritage of automotive and ICE industry presents excellent conditions
for sector convergence.
Region Västra Götaland (VGR) is one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, employing 48,000 people in various healthcare-related roles. Prominent private market operators are also active in the region.
Five universities in the region form a backbone of scientific excellence. Internationally-acclaimed academia have generated ground-breaking research, and Nobel-prize winners.
Governmental funding, private capital and International investors are active in West Sweden and appreciate the wide range of companies, in combination with cutting edge innovation.
West Sweden has a wide spread of support systems for bringing new ideas to life. Expertise, openness and willingness to collaborate are distinct and significant factors.

Mobility. Artificial intelligence. Next generation sequencing.
The ongoing transition to personalised healthcare is forcing us to reimagine how we collect, connect and analyse huge amounts of high-quality data so we can better understand, diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. In a rapidly changing world where knowledge and technologies are advancing and converging at high speed at the same time, building new structures for collaboration within and between sectors has never been so important.
West Sweden has a proud tradition of developing groundbreaking innovation within life science. With its strategic location and trading heritage, the region has traditionally brought people together. Today, West Sweden is characterized by a strong life science industry. Multinational, leading companies are based in the region. Academic strongholds include internationally eminent research teams. And high-quality clinical research and test beds are a feature of the region. Life science in West Sweden also benefits from close proximity to the automotive industry and a growing ICT sector. Several prominent life science infrastructure projects and initiatives are currently under development in West Sweden.
”Imagine if West Sweden was known as the region where evidence is generated and where innovation is adopted”
Health Innovation West presents:
That Human Touch